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It seems the best way to deal with the trove of misinformation published by Emmett Moore of Trading Schools, is to eviscerate it with words of TRUTH... living, and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, both joints and marrow, allowing you the reader to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. I'll start at the beginning and work my way through to the end. Point by point.

Fair enough?

I should point out that in the original review, Mr. Moore admitted to using aliases, fake names and other manner of subterfuge to spend 30 days in our Live E-mini Futures Training Room. As stated, we offer a 5 Day Free Trial. Once every 6 months, 2 trials per lifetime. Each day beyond that, spent in our E-mini Training Room was in violation of our terms of service. His actions break both state and federal laws... and is blatant theft of intellectual property for which there is no excuse.

Review Statement: Traded markets, in particular Natural Gas and Soybeans cannot be replicated.

Rebuttal: Yes they can.  Come to our Live Emini Futures Training Room any trading day M-F and we will show you with Live Charts in Real Time how our method works. Traders and Training Firms can work magic with Camtasia and Photoshop. One thing you can never fake though... is a Live Chart. That's what we use Every Day in the Live Trainng Room - Live Charts!

Review Statement: On Christmas Eve, December 2014, I wrote a highly positive review of the Christian Financial Radio Network. Of course, I am always really careful about posting a positive review simply because I know that a lot of folks will rush out and spend thousands of dollars on the product. In addition to purchasing the product, I have to consider that a person is trusting that my information will be valid for them. I take this responsibility very seriously.

Rebuttal: Our server records reflect no such flurry of activity. No one according to our records, read the article and rushed to buy the Mentoring Program. There was however, an uptick in the number of Google Adword Ads that appear on his site next to our review. So even though we saw no increase in conversions because of the review,  the review did create additional revenue for Emmett and/or his site. It's unclear since he uses a .org extension on his web site. Originally those were reserved for non-profit orginazations. Unfortunately, ICANN does not have sufficient manpower to monitor that all .org websites are non-profit. Once the world figured this out, it became a subtle way to distort the truth. Perhaps it is a non-profit orginazation. I don't know and I make it a habit to not speak of that, which I do not know. I suppose if you're curious, you could ask him. Whatever the motivation for the article, you will quickly see, it is an article which provides no service or benefit to the reader, be they an Advanced Trader or Struggling Trading Student.


Review Statement:  On February 2, 2014 I received an email from a person trading out of Switzerland. They explained that based upon my positive review, they had spent $4,000 for the trading course. They then began paper trading as recommended by Dewayne. After a month of paper trading and copying approximately 85% of the trades called with the trading room, they decided to begin trading with a live trading account.

Rebuttal: That is not the price of our mentoring program (huge red flag). We do not recommend "copying" trades in the Live Emini Training Room. The purpose of the Live Training Room is educational in nature. It was never designed to be a source of income for Students.

This is purely a learning environment where the student has the opportunity to "Learn How to Trade". The rules are: Watch, Listen, Learn and Ask Questions for 2 hours every day, for 3 months. The student is then encouraged to practice for 2 hours (minimum) in the Simulator, away from the voice of the instructor. This helps the Student learn quickly what he or she, doesn't yet know about our methodology.

Practice in Sim, Fall Down, Skin Your Nose, and Journal everything that happens. Come to class the next day with your laundry list of questions so the instructor can walk you through the answer to each and every question. It has been proven through scientific research this type of learning model is far superior to other methods and in this case, can help you actually -  "Learn How To Trade".

The Internet is full of "Trade Calling" services. If that's what you desire, we have created 3 products to fill the void, but they have nothing to do with what transpires in the Live Emini Training Room. We believe our job as Mentors is to accompany you on a step by step journey that is geared to helping you learn to spot the setup, manage the trade and exit with grace. All Active CFRN Partners have unlimited access to "One on One" Personal Mentoring Sessions. Students on a 1 Week Trial receive 1 Personal Mentoring Session.


Review Statement: The end result is that a $30,000 futures trading account had quickly lost $10,000. I felt terrible. I felt responsible. Dewayne said that the trader was at fault and just needed to try harder.

Rebuttal: First, I would never encourage a Student to trade with real money until they have first passed our rigorous test in the Simulator by showing consistent profitability. It would not be in my nature to say "try harder", but instead to say, "Follow your plan step by step". Our Students are required to put together 10 consecutive days in Sim where they must earn $100 per contract (virtual money) in 10 trades or less. Once a Student qualifies to trade real money, we strongly suggest they ONLY start with 1 Contract.

He, or she, must then increase their account balance by $2k before adding a 2nd contract. If at any time it takes more than 10 trades to earn $100 per contract, 2 days in a row, the Student must return to the Simulator and request a Private Mentoring Session (at no additional charge), so we can sort out the problem.

If a Student simply follows the instructions as they are written and taught on a daily basis, it defies the laws of physics that a Student would lose $10k unless they failed to follow the rules as they are written and taught on a daily basis. In fact each Student is required to write his or her own Business and Trading Plan based off of the CFRN authorized template. Both of these foundational documents must be completed first, along with the Simulator testing, before proceeding to trade with real money.

I would very much like to have a public discussion with this "Student" you refer to on Live Radio and allow the trading community at large to hear the TRUTH. The good news for you Emmett, is if you have reported the facts as they were told to you, you're off the hook on this one. The Student you refer to, simply failed to follow the instructions he or she paid for. We unfortunately can not help those who refuse to follow the time tested formula we use day in and day out to trade the Emini Futures and other markets.

We have not changed a Rule, Concept, Indicator, or "the" Setup, in 5 years.


Review Statement: I then received another email from a trader living in South America. They had also read my review, sent $3,000 and also lost money because they simply could not copy the trades in the CFRN trading room. I became really distressed and then asked that both traders send account statements so that I could hopefully figure out, via time stamp where the problem was happening. I contacted Dewayne and expressed my concerns. He became less and less enthused about my questions and began delaying responses. Eventually he told me to go away and stop contacting him. I explained that real people were losing a lot of money, and they were losing it very fast as a result of my positive review. A bit shamefully, and with more than a bit of regret…I got to see a side of CFRN that is certainly not very Christian.

Rebuttal: Once again, that's not our price (red flag). Our 90 Day Mentoring program has nothing to do with "Copying Trades". We are very up front in this matter. If you are looking for a "Trade Calling Service", our Live Training Room is not the solution. Our goal there, is to "Teach You How to Trade".

Watch, listen, learn, ask questions for 2 hours a day, practice for 2 hours a day, or as many hours a day as your schedule permits. Return tomorrow with a fresh set of questions which we will answer and demonstrate on an individual basis, using a Live Chart. Live Charts Never Lie!

This is how a Student "Learns to Trade" vs. copying someone else's trades. Copying trades does not "teach". We only succeed when a student is able to trade away from our voices using all they have learned in the Daily Classroom, Personal "One on One" Mentoring Sessions (no additional charge) and our Thursday Night Partner Workshops. Thursday nights have been known to run as long as 4 hours. The final questions asked each Thursday before closing is always the same, "Are there any more questions?"

We repeat in both spoken and written word, that our Live Emini Training Room is not a "Trade Calling Service". Most of you know those rooms rarely offer positive, consistent, results. Do they? If you have found such a service and can show us your own consistent profitable results as a result of the Trade Calling Service, you are invited to join us on our Daily Radio Show and share your experience with our global audience.

At the end of the day, the only answer to the age old dilemma is "Learn How to Read a Chart" which leads you to "Learning How to Trade".  Nothing else has ever been proven to work. Nothing I have seen. Again, if you have found a different viable solution that circumvents actually learning how to trade, please come and be a guest on our Daily Live Broadcast (now in our 2nd decade). I can assure you, you will be treated with dignity and respect. 

Emmett, you crossed a line with your next remark. I treat everyone with dignity and respect whether I agree with them or not. Whether I'm in the Room, on the Daily Broadcast, or Aisle 4 at CVS. I do however, expect to be treated the same. To tell you to go away and stop contacting me, could only come from you crossing the line of dignity and respect. You've already been called out to a Trading Contest, I'm now calling you out to an honesty contest.

I'm inviting you to appear as a guest on my Daily Live Broadcast and while being recorded Live to Tape, repeat the same accusations you've made on your web site. If the time of the Daily Broadcast conflicts with your schedule, I will make myself available any day, at any time. Just bear in mind, the tape will be rolling.


Review Statement: After beating myself up, and spending many hours reviewing the trading data posted at CFRN versus the foreign clients, I began to see the problem and the pattern is very clear. The majority of the losses and the disconnect was happening between the Natural Gas and the Soybean trades. These two markets represent a big portion of the CFRN profits and are used to market the CFRN course, however these markets in particular are very thin markets. What is a thin market? It simply means that there is not a lot of trading volume, and anyone using limit orders would have a difficult time getting a price fill. With the foreign traders, I discovered the problem…latency. This was a simple matter of people being too far away from the central exchange in Chicago. Michael at CFRN was able to execute these small scalping trades because he lives very to close to the exchange, but the folks living farther away had absolutely no chance of replication.

Rebuttal: I must say up until this point I was a little aggravated with you. Now that I see how little you really understand about how markets work, I can only smile and chuckle as most Professional Traders around the world have done since reading your commentary. Let's start with Soybeans, which by no way account for a large % of our earnings. However, since you feel they do, allow me to edcuate the reader with what we shall simply call - The Truth.

Here is a 30 minute chart of Soybeans beginning with the Wall Street open highlighted.


Soybeans March 2016


13,462 contracts in 30 minutes
12.500 contracts in 30 minutes
15,200 contracts in 30 minutes
28.000 contracts in 30 minutes



Natural Gas 30 minute chart / March 2016


I could go on, but we've now crossed the line from opinion to fact. From innuendo to embarrassment. From someone who wants to fancy himself a "Judge of Traders", but won't accept a simple trading challenge from a very nice gentlemen. He's known as the Fractal Futures Trader and while he's no grandstander, he is a man who "Knows how to trade" and has offered to trade against you, head to head. 

Many are perplexed that while you pound your gavel so mightily from the Judgement Seat, you refuse to step into the ring with an actual Trader. I'm fully aware that my backside (while wide), is far to narrow to sit in that chair. Scriptues say's God loves a humble man. We ahould all strive to walk in humility. If everyone from school teachers to world leaders would give it a try, this world would no doubt be a much better place. 

Below you will find the gentlemanly challenge extended to Judge and Jury -   Hangin' Emmett Moore.


Well Emmett, you wrote a glowing review (except when you called me an old reptile sitting on a rock) and when you disagreed with my refund policy you took my review down. Sort of like extortion.

Of course, you never bothered to carefully research the client whose refund I was denying. Did you know that he was a floor trader? Did you know I set up a special payment plans so that he could afford to learn the e-minis? Did you know that he was never in my room for the first 45 days? Naw, you’re better at running your mouth than being an objective evaluator of trading technique.

So let’s make it easy, if you’re going to evaluate trading rooms you ought to know how to trade. I’m not convinced you know how to trade; trading against me for a week, we can set up easy rules to assure compliance on both parts, and let’s see how you do. I already know, I’ve talked to enough to grasp your understanding of how the markets work. Granted your a great marketer. Not so much on the trading. Let’s do this and if you win you’ll have some credibility.

My bet?  You won’t show, you’re a keyboard warrior…that’s it.  Try trading against someone with some real experience and stop handing out positive reviews to your pet projects, you know what I am talking about and soon others will know you, too.

Will I win?  I expect to.  Can I double your total?  I expect to.  Will you shut-up?  I doubt it.  I’ve been in this business for a while and met quite a few “Emmett Moore” types in my life, you’re not so special nor are your motives to review sites altruistic….why don’t you share with everyone what is really going on   with you site?  Your fawning admirers might be surprised.

While I don't personally know the Fractal Futures Trader, I can tell simply by reading what he writes and what Emmett pays others to scavenge, I will gladly lay 5 to 1 odds on the Fractal Trader.


The Apology

Review Statement:  I also need to consider that I have entered thousands of trades on a DOM and have a lot of experience. Even with my vast experience, I also had a very difficult time replicating the CFRN trades. With this being said, I have to sincerely apologize to all readers, known and unknown, that took action and paid CFRN money. The truth is the truth, and it has become apparent that the scalping method taught at CFRN is not going to work for the majority. And considering that there are plenty of educators out there where trades are easily replicated, I have to remove my endorsement.

Rebuttal: After careful forensic analysis of our Google Analytics and 3rd party verification, we find no evidence of anyone who entered our 90 Day Mentoring Program based on the recommendation of Emmett Moore or his Trading School Review Site  .


Review Statement:  I need to make sure that the trading room performance can be copied by a grandmother. Seriously, if a grandma from Oregon cannot make money, then I wont ever take another chance and recommend a product unless the trader has a fighting chance. Many apologies to my readers. Especially those that lost money.

Rebuttal: We are in our 2nd decade of teaching ordinary people (like me) how to trade. At this point I'm curious how many Traders you have trained? We have politicians clamoring for the Oval Office who have never ran a business, never spent a restless night as a young start-up wondering if the receivables due in tomorrow will be sufficient to cover payroll. Have you trained even one person to trade?

I'm anxious to know what qualifies you Emmett, to sit so high above the rest of us. Perhaps you have a stellar history of teaching struggling traders how to become consistently profitable. If that be the case, I assure you, sharing those stories with the trading community would benefit all parties involved, much more than the libelous slander you now publish. Many are angeed by the profteering on Wall Street, you've now gone a step farther and dragged it down to Main Street.  Does the Reader agree? Do you Emmett Moore, not agree?


In Closing

We have hundreds of successful traders around the globe. They have hounded me as to why I won't "Strike Back" at you and your slanderous foolishness. It's called "Crazy like a Fox".

Besides the Scriptural answer "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord", I just wanted to see how far you would go. I gave you all the rope you needed and you eagerly took evey inch. The one thing that separates you and I (besides the obvious), is that I have hundreds of traders around the globe who have gained valuable life skills, because Michael and I taught them a vey simple concept "How to Trade".  I honestly believe that all you, Emmett Moore really want at the end of the day, is to simply "learn how to trade".

I believe that after many failed attempts and amidst the mounting frustration, you simply threw in the towel and chose to turn your self-loathing on anyone who attempts to help others in the world of Trading Emini Futures.

I truly wish we had met under different circumstances. I would have considered it an honor to teach a repetant SEC Felon everything we know, and to put all of our tools at your disposal. The geatest investment any man can make is to see a human life changed and given hope. I think the life story of Emmett Moore would have a much different ending. It would certainly be a richer, more satisfying story. Perhaps even one, with a happy ending.


I Wish You Well Emmett

I'm not sure if you really want to help struggling traders, or merely take advantage of them. If your goal is to actually help, I have no choice but to support you. After all, it is our life's work. The whole "2 Points a Day in the S&P 500 Emini Futures" ($100 gross / per contract /per day), is most certainly not an easy task, but most every day... we do prove, it can be simple.


We do it in front of a live audience. We record it on a spreadsheet. We record the video and audio. We don't just show up, we teach. We charge a fraction of what the late night infomercial guys charge. We give our students Unlimited Personal Mentoring as required.


The first 5 days of our 90 Day E-mini Mentoring program is 100% FREE. No Obligation! No CC required.

During those 5 days we give everyone our Indicators and the Setup that makes them work. We give you 10 hours of Group Training in the Live Trainng Room, plus 45 minutes of Private Mentoring.


We don't have a Call Center. We don't have any Salesmen. It's just Michael and I trying to to do the very best job we can. If you think trading's not easy, I assure you teaching people "how to trade" is complicated to say the least. So why do we do it? Sure we make money! That's no secret. Mulitple incomes streams are the foundation for creating enduring wealth.

We once struggled. We too, had our eyes ripped out. We paid thousands of dollars for garbage. We leaned how to code our own stuff. Some garbage, some AWESOME! After we paid our dues, we realized that we could not only trade, but we also had it within our grasp to make the world just a little better place. 

We knew we could create a place where traders would actually learn and evolve. A place where women and people of color would also feel welcomed. No anger, no profanity, no hatred, just transparency. Yes, Trading's Not Easy, but it Can Be Simple!

Weekly Trading Zones / Concierge Trade Alerts / OTADS

Not everyone can hunker down today and learn how to trade. Jobs, families, commitments, STUFF! It's called life. The Weekly Zones are part of learning how to trade. The other stuff is a bridge to get you to the place and time, where you have the time... to learn how to trade. That's the goal, the end game at CFRN.

We're willing to meet our Students half way, but you have to understand, in order to survive... you must learn how to trade. Years ago someone taught most of us how to drive. Think about that for a moment. You may have never driven a Rolls Royce, or a Stock Car, or an 18 Wheeler... but in a pinch, you can now drive most anything. 

Learning how to trade is like learning how to drive. It will follow you all the days of your life. No one can ever take it away from you.

Once you learn how to trade (truly learn), you never have to look for a job again. Everyone from Plato, to Pistol Pete, to Steve Jobs has been credited with the following:

"Find a job you love to do and you'll never work another day in your life."

Whoever said it first, was right. Everyone else who said it, was also right.

If you trade and wake up with a knot in your stomach... you're not a Trader yet.

If you wake up early, doing push ups in anticipation of the bell ringing, you're a Trader.

Mark Douglas (dearly departed friend) said on our radio program "The entry is the least important part of the equation." He also said in his book Trading in the Zone - "You don't have to know what is going to happen next to make money in the markets".

It was in the book each time I read, or listened to it, but when he looked me in the eye and said it over brunch at the Good Egg, time stood still. It changed me, it changed my thinking, it changed my trading, it changed my life. Mark had that effect on people.

It has also changed hundreds and hundreds of Traders around the Globe. Just ask them. I was already a mediocre trader and and a good teacher, but that day, over eggs and ham... Mark took me took me to the end of the rainbow.

I will never be the same.


Emmett, whatever possessed you to make me your whipping boy, I forgive you. I've not only been to the Promised Land, I've been allowed to come back and together with my business partner Michael, teach others how simple trading can be. It's not easy, but it can be simple.

Make no mistake, God doesn't give us our Buy and Sell orders. He never tells us when to get in, or get out... that would make us dependent. He just doesn't do business that way. However, He did help us and hundreds of Partners, Learn How To Trade. Our story is chronicled over at SeekingAlpha.com. It's a short read, but covers the TRUTH of who we are "God Chasers and Emini Traders".


To read more about Mr. Moore and his self confessed history, Click Here.

Humble Beginnings

We were humbled, tortured, torn, ripped off, lied to, beaten to a bloody pulp and left for dead. By His Grace, we rose up, moved on and today we are the #1 Emini Community on the Internet. Daily Podcasts and Live Streaming 24/7, since 2005. Webinars, Seminars, Q&A Sessions plus much, much, more. Visit us at www.cfrn.net or http://emini.cfrn.net


No Charge for our Vast Library of Emini Trading Materials

Just Visit - Emini.cfrn.net


We have Tomorrow's ANSWER for Emini Trading - TODAY!
It's not easy or obvious, but it will work.


Tune in to our Daily Live Broadcast (now in our 2nd decade) @ 12PM EDT M-F  / 20 Countries Daily


Live Training Room Trial - Apply.CFRN.net

 Spend 5 days in our Live Emini Training Room (legally). Use the dtPro, Ninja  Trader, or MultiCharts.Net platforms. Learn our Methodology and use our Indicator Set. Watch us work in Real Time, while you ask Questions. Spend 2 hours minimum a day practicing what you learn in a State of the Art Real Time Simulator. Discover if there really is a Trder inside of you waiting to be set free.


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Trading's Not Easy - But It Can Be Simple!©




Call us @ 949-42-EMINI during normal business hours and weekends.

After Dark - email support@cfrn.net .

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